We are looking for:
Dental assistant (m/f/d)
for treatment assistance and prophylaxis part-time or full-time, starting immediately or later
Temporary help on an hourly basis/mini-job (m/f/d)

Applications welcome by email to  
We care about you individually according to the latest findings and methods of dentistry in a friendly and comfortable atmosphere.
We look forward to seeing you!
After 17 years it was time for a change and I moved my dental practice to new premises on November first 2018. Now you will find us on Dorfstraße 26 on the second floor, right next to the practice dental lab, which has been there for 17 years. Over the years, the demand for treatment and, in particular, prophylaxis appointments has steadily increased. In order to meet this demand, our dental practice now has three treatment rooms. We expect, it will give us more flexibility, shorter waiting times for treatment appointments, shorter distances and even more efficient cooperation between the practice staff and our master dental technician in the laboratory. The elevator makes it easy to reach our new practice. Our patients have a spacious bathroom at their disposal, which was designed according to the latest standards and is also easily accessible for wheelchair users. For our young mothers and fathers, we also offer a baby changing facility for their children in our patient restroom. Together with my practice team, I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to our new premises.

Dr. med. dent. Christiane Willmann Dentist
Born in 1970
Married, 2 children
1990-1997 Studied dentistry at the University of Cologne
1997 Licence to practise dentistry
1998 Doctorate as Dr. med. dent.
Dental activity
1997-1999 Assistant dentist in independent practices in Düsseldorf and Korschenbroich
1999-2001 employed dentist in independent practice in Korschenbroich, Germany
September 2001 Takeover of the dental practice Dr. R. Dörscheln in Meerbusch-Büderich
November 2018 Relocation of the practice to Dorfstrasse 26
Free Association of German Dentists
Solidarity Community of Dusseldorf Dentists
Düsseldorf Dentists Training Group
Laser Safety Officer since 2004
foreign languages
English, German

your health
Your health is our top priority. From infants to senior - you are in good hands with us for all matters concerning your teeth, gums, oral mucous membranes and jaw joints.

Cooperation based on trust
The basis of successful treatment is the relationship of trust between dentist and patient. Therefore we take a lot of time for your individual consultation and treatment.

Gentle treatment
The protection and preservation of your healthy hard tooth substance is of course in the foreground of all our considerations. Preventive treatment is just as important. Therefore dental prophylaxis is an essential part of our practice concept.

Regular further training
The whole practice team regularly takes part in further training events recognised by the Nordrhein Dental Association in order to ensure that you always benefit from the progress made in modern dentistry.

Involvement of specialists
Outside our own master dental laboratory, we work closely together with other specialised laboratories, if necessary with competent and experienced specialists such as oral surgeons, orthodontists, speech therapists and physiotherapists.

Sustainable treatment success
Your satisfaction is aim of all our dental health efforts, which will last for years and decades.

Marc Paulzen

master dental technician

Silke Ailbout

accounting & Administration

Canan Secgin

Assistance & Prophylaxis

Kathrin Kellersmann

Assistance & Prophylaxis

Louisa Wasen

Assistance & Prophylaxis


  • microbiological examinations of dental plaques in the context of the diagnosis of periodontitis
  • digital x-ray (low-radiation)
  • recording of nutritional habits and preparation of nutritional recommendations


  • professional cleaning
  • teaching hygiene behaviour, advice on prophylactic products
  • professional fluoride application
  • fissure sealing
  • periodontitis recall
  • removal of tooth discoloration (powder jet device)


  • bleaching
  • ceramic veneers


  • direct, cosmetically sophisticated fillings made of high-quality materials (composites)
  • indirect, cosmetically sophisticated inlays made of ceramic, composite and precious metal, manufactured in our in-house master laboratory
  • qualified endodontics, preservation and reconstruction of even severely damaged teeth


Manufactured in our own master laboratory:
  • extensive fixed replacement, crowns, bridges, crowns on implants, removable bridges
  • complicated removable prosthesis, telescopic crowns, implant supported prosthesis
  • restoration according to gnathological principles (temporomandibular joint measurement)
  • splint therapy for teeth grinding/pressing
  • inlays/onlays (s. o.)
  • preparation/professional cleaning of older dentures


  • antibiotic therapy (depending on the diagnosed microflora, see above), application of gel (CHX, metronidazole)
  • regenerative and minimally invasive therapy
  • recall system for prophylaxis (patients are contacted every 4 months on request)


  • amalgam removal
  • children's consultation hours on Monday afternoon
  • acupuncture for anxiety patients in cooperation with Dr. Kling


  • in a senior citizens' nursing home
  • in institutions for disabled
  • at hospital
  • at home
Pictures of our practice
Pictures of our dental technology
Please print the two-sided anamnesis form linked below, fill it out and bring it signed with you to your first visit in the practice.

Download anamnesis sheet

Dr. med. dent. Christiane Willmann
Dorfstraße 26
40667 Meerbusch
Tel. 02132 - 5614
Fax. 02132 - 911168
Please make appointments by telephone only.

Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 13.00 Uhr
Mo. 14.00 - 19.00 Uhr
Di. + Do.: 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr
children's consultation hour Mo.: 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr